Dr Jim Sheffield

Adjunct Research Fellow
School of Management
Jim Sheffield's doctoral work at the University of Arizona in group support systems led to the creation of a Decision Support Centre at the University of Auckland. He has designed, implemented and evaluated more than 100 action research initiatives. Most of these initiatives centred on complex inter-organisational situations involving considerable confusion and conflict. Major action research initiatives include the development of economic strategy, science policy, and comprehensive regional planning.
Areas of potential PhD supervision
Analytical frameworks for intervention design
Ethical inquiry
Group support systems
Knowledge management
Research methods
Project management
Supply chain management.
- PhD in Business Administration (University of Arizona, USA)
- MBA (University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA)
- PG Diploma in Tertiary Teaching (University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, USA)
- MSc in Physics (University of Auckland)
- BSc in Mathematics and Physics (University of Auckland)
Sheffield, J. (2012) Systems Thinking Approaches to Address Complex Issues in Project Management, (with S. Sankaran and T. Haslett). Accepted for publication at On the Horizon, Special Issue on Complexity and the Future of Education.
Sheffield, J. (2010), Pluralism in Knowledge Management: A Review, Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 387-396.
Sheffield, J. & Guo, Z. (2008). A Paradigmatic and Methodological Examination of Knowledge Management Research: 2000-2004, Decision Support Systems Vol. 44, pp. 673-688. Available
Sheffield, J. (2008). Does Health Care for Systemic Development?, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Vol. 25 (2), pp. 283-290. DOI: 10.1002/sres.886 Available
Sheffield, J. (2008). Inquiry in Health Knowledge Management, Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 12 (4), pp. 160-172. Available
Sheffield, J. (2008). Philosophical Assumptions in Health Knowledge Management, International Journal of Health & Aging Management, Vol. 2 (1), pp. 12-29.
Sheffield, J. & Guo, Z. (2007). Critical heuristics: a contribution to addressing the vexed question of so-called knowledge management, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Vol. 24 (6), pp. 613-626 http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/sres.834.
Sheffield, J. & Guo, Z. (2007). Ethical Inquiry in Knowledge Management, International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies, Vol. 1 (1), pp. 68-81. Available
Sheffield, J. & Lau, E. (2007). Surfacing Philosophical Assumptions in Health Knowledge Management, International Journal of Health & Aging Management, Vol. 1 (2), pp. 36-51. hAvailable
Sheffield, J. (2005). Systemic Knowledge and the V-Model, International Journal of Business Information Systems, Vol.1 No. 1/2, pp. 83-101. Available
Sheffield, J. (2004). The design of GSS-enabled interventions: A Habermasian Perspective, Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 13 (5), pp. 415-436. Available
Mumpower, J.L., Sheffield, J., Darling, T.A. & Milter, R.G. (2004). The Accuracy of Post-Negotiation Estimates of the Other Negotiators Payoff, Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 13 (3), pp. 259-290. Available
Sheffield, J. & Gallupe, B. (1995). Using Group Support Systems to Improve the New Zealand Economy Part II: Followup Results, Journal of Management Information Systems, Winter 1994-95, Vol. 11 (3), pp. 135-153.
Sheffield, J. (1995). The Effect of Communication Medium on Negotiation Performance, Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 4 (2), pp. 159-179.
Sheffield, J. (1995). Using Electronic Meeting Technologies, People and Performance, Vol. 3 (3), pp. 18-21.
Sheffield, J. & Gallupe, B. (1994). Using Electronic Meeting Technology to Support Economic Policy Development in New Zealand: Short Term Results, Journal of Management Information Systems, Winter 1993-94, Vol. 10 (3), pp. 97-116.
Sheffield, J. (1994). Apollo Theatre, Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, then called The Journal of Arts Policy and Management, Vol. 2 (1), pp.18-22. See Available
Sheffield, J. (1993). Silent decision making, The University of Auckland Alumni News, Vol. 3 (1), pp. 16-17.
Jeffery, R., Lawrence, M., Freeman, C., Sheffield, J. & Myers, M. (1992). Australian and New Zealand Cases in Information Systems. McGraw-Hill, Sydney, 216pp.
Sheffield, J., Myers, M. (1992). New Zealand Cases in Information Systems. Pagination Publishers, Auckland, 180pp.
Sheffield, J., Myers, M. (1990). New Zealand Cases in Information Systems. Pagination Publishers, Auckland, 124pp.
Book chapters
Sheffield, J. (Ed.) (2015). The Soldierpdf1.25MB In My Decisive Moment – Volume 3 (forthcoming), Auckland: Pagination Publishers.
Sheffield, J. (Ed.) (2013). Do the Right Thing?pdf850KB In My Decisive Moment – Volume 2, pp. 173-184, Auckland: Pagination Publishers.
Sheffield, J. (2010). Does Health Care for Knowledge Management? In Sheffield, J. (Editor) Systemic Development: Local Solutions in a Global Environment. ISCE Publishing, Goodyear Arizona, ISBN 9780981703275, pp. 699-708.
Sheffield, J. (2010). Pluralisms in Knowledge Management. In Sheffield, J. (Editor) Systemic Development: Local Solutions in a Global Environment. ISCE Publishing, Goodyear Arizona, ISBN 9780981703275, pp. 709-720.
Sheffield, J. & Gallupe, R B. (1998). Using Group Support Technology to Develop the Economic Policy of New Zealand. In: Zwass, V. (Editor) Foundations of Information Systems, McGraw Hill.
Sheffield, J. (1997). Electronic Meetings. In Inkson, K. and Kolb, D. Management Perspectives for New Zealand (2nd ed.), Addison Wesley Longman, Auckland.
Edited books
Sheffield, J. (Editor) (2010). Systemic Development: Local Solutions in a Global Environment. ISCE Publishing, Goodyear Arizona, ISBN 9780981703275, 761pp.
Conference publications
Sheffield, J. (2015, December 4). Critical reflections on decisive moments. Paper presented at Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management: Managing for peak performance, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Harrison, G., Sheffield, J., & Plimmer, G. (2015, December 5). Business acceleration: A springboard for learning and development? Paper presented at Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management: Managing for peak performance, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Sheffield, J. Grinin, L. Korotayev, A. (2011), ‘Globalization and Anthropology: Issues, Levels, Problems, and Perspectives’, Proceedings of IUAES/AAS/ASAANZ Conference 2011, Perth, Australia, 4-8 July 2011, 60-61.
Sheffield, J. (2011), ‘Electronic Discourse in Inter-Governmental Decision Making: A Case Example’, Proceedings of IUAES/AAS/ASAANZ Conference 2011, Perth, Australia, 4-8 July 2011, 170-170.
Sheffield J, (2010). 'Design theory for collaborative technologies: electronic discourse in group decision', Proceedings of the 53rd Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (IEEE Computer Society Press, 2010).
Sheffield J, (2010). 'Towards a design theory for collaborative technologies: habermasian analysis of comprehensive urban planning', Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, edited by Ralph H Sprague Jr (IEEE Computer Society Press, 2010).
Sheffield, J. (2010), Systems Perspectives in Problem Structuring: Experiential Individual & Group Exercises, Proceedings of the ALARA World Congress 2010, 6-9 Sept., Melbourne, Australia.
Sheffield, J. (2010), Identifying the Critical Factors in Software Development Methodology Fit, Proceedings of the ALARA World Congress 2010, 6-9 Sept., Melbourne, Australia, (with J. Lemetayer).
Sheffield, J. (2010), Habermasian Analysis and the Reflective Practitioner, Proceedings of the ALARA World Congress 2010, 6-9 Sept., Melbourne, Australia, (with S. Price).
Sheffield, J. (2010), Criteria for Thesis Excellence, Proceedings of the ALARA World Congress 2010, 6-9 Sept., Melbourne, Australia, (with Paul, Stephen, Joyce and Wen).
Sheffield, J. (2010), Measuring the Critical Success Factors in Project Management Methodology, (with J. Lemetayer). Proceedings of the PMI Global Congress Asia Pacific 2010, 22-24 February, Melbourne, Australia.
Sheffield, J. (2010), Systems Thinking Approaches to Address Complex Issues in Project Management, (with S. Sankaran and T. Haslett). Proceedings of the PMI Global Congress Asia Pacific 2010, 22-24 February, Melbourne, Australia.
Sheffield, J. (2009),Towards a Design theory for Collaborative Technologies: Habermasian Analysis of Comprehensive Urban Planning, Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 5th 8th January. IEEE Computer Society Press, 11pp.
Sheffield, J. (2008), Pluralisms in Knowledge Management, Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 3rd 5th December, Christchurch, New Zealand, 10pp.
Sheffield, J. (2008), Problem Structuring For Research Students: Evaluating a Visual Semantic Scaffold, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium for Health Information Management Research, pp. 183-196, 20-22 October, Auckland, New Zealand.
Sheffield, J. (2008), Health Knowledge Management: The Integration Challenge, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium for Health Information Management Research, pp. 79-88, 20-22 October, Auckland, New Zealand.
Sheffield, J. (2008), Towards a Design Theory for Collaborative Technologies, Proceedings of the 14th Australia New Zealand Systems Society Conference 1st, 2nd December, Perth, Australia, 9pp.
Sheffield, J. (2008), Habermasian Analysis of Comprehensive Urban Planning, Proceedings of the 14th Australia New Zealand Systems Society Conference 1st - 2nd December, Perth, Australia, 8pp.
Sheffield, J. (2008), Problem Structuring For Research Students: Evaluating a Visual Semantic Scaffold, Proceedings of the 14th Australia New Zealand Systems Society Conference 1st, 2nd December, Perth, Australia, 8pp.
Sheffield, J. (2008), System perspectives and problem structuring: An experiential group exercise, Proceedings of the 14th Australia New Zealand Systems Society Conference 1st, 2nd December, Perth, Australia, 8pp.
Sheffield, J. (2008), System Perspectives in Health Knowledge Management, Proceedings of the 14th Australia New Zealand Systems Society Conference 1st - 2nd December, Perth, Australia, 7pp.
Sheffield, J. (2008), Fashionable Nonsense Revisited: A Socratic Dialogue, Proceedings of the 14th Australia New Zealand Systems Society Conference 1st - 2nd December, Perth, Australia, 7pp.
Sheffield, J. (2007), Comprehensive Urban Planning. A Framework for Group Decision, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 10pp. IEEE Computer Society Press. See here and there
Sheffield, J. (2007), Surfacing the Philosophical Assumptions of KM Frameworks, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 10pp. IEEE Computer Society Press. January 2007. (with E. Lau) See here and http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/hicss_40/fkmcfp.htm
Sheffield, J. (2007), Does Health Care for Knowledge Management?, Proceedings of the 13th Australia New Zealand Systems Society Conference 2nd - 5th December, Auckland, New Zealand,10pp. See here
Sheffield, J. (2007), Pluralisms in Knowledge Management, Proceedings of the 13th Australia New Zealand Systems Society Conference 2nd - 5th December, Auckland, New Zealand, 10pp. See here
Sheffield, J. (2006), Habermasian Inquiring System: Towards a General Framework for Knowledge Management Research, Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 10pp. IEEE Computer Society Press. (with Z. Guo) Paper published at here
Paper also published at here
Sheffield, J. (2006), A Paradigmatic and Methodological Examination of KM Research: 2000-2004, Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 10pp. IEEE Computer Society Press. (with Z. Guo) Paper published at: http://csdl2.computer.org/comp/proceedings/hicss/2006/2507/07/250770153a.pdf
Paper also published at: http://researchspace.auckland.ac.nz/buspapers/2
Sheffield, J. (2006), A Paradigmatic and Methodological Examination of KM Research: 2000-2004, Proceedings of the 12th Australia New Zealand Systems Society Conference 3rd - 6th December, Katoomba, NSW Australia, 10pp. (with Z. Guo) See http://isce.edu/ISCE_Group_Site/web-content/ISCE%20Publishing/Book_intros/Katoomba_proceedings_contents.pdf
Sheffield, J. (2006), Themes, Theories and Frameworks in Knowledge Management Research, Proceedings of the 12th Australia New Zealand Systems Society Conference 3rd - 6th December, Katoomba, NSW Australia, 10pp. (with E. Lau) See http://isce.edu/ISCE_Group_Site/web-content/ISCE%20Publishing/Book_intros/Katoomba_proceedings_contents.pdf
Sheffield, J. (2006), Ethical Inquiry in Knowledge Management, Proceedings of the 12th Australia New Zealand Systems Society Conference 3rd - 6th December, Katoomba, NSW Australia, 10pp. (with Z. Guo) See http://isce.edu/ISCE_Group_Site/web-content/ISCE%20Publishing/Book_intros/Katoomba_proceedings_contents.pdf
Sheffield, J. (2005), The evaluation of GSS-enabled interventions: A Habermasian Perspective, Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 10pp. IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN 0-7695-2268-8.
See: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1385738
Sheffield, J. (2005), A Habermasian Analysis of Comprehensive Urban Planning, Proceedings of the 11th ANZSYS/Managing the Complex V Conference, 5th-7th December, Christchurch NZ, 8pp. ISBN 0976681447.
Sheffield, J. (2004), The design of GSS-enabled interventions: A Habermasian Perspective, Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 10pp. IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN 0-7695-2056-1.
Sheffield, J. (2004), Validating Problem Structure via the V-Model, The Proceedings of IADIS (International Association for Development of the Information Society) e-Society 2004, July 16-19, Avila, Spain. ISBN 972-9847-6-0. Vol. 1, pp. 659-666.
Sheffield, J. (2004), Visualizing Information Systems Epistemology via the V-Model, The Proceedings of IADIS (International Association for Development of the Information Society) e-Society 2004, July 16-19, Avila, Spain. ISBN 972-9847-6-0. Vol. 1, pp. 675-684.
Sheffield, J. (2002), Theoretical frameworks and the design of GSS, Proceedings of the Group Decision and Negotiation International Conference, Perth August 23-26 (GDN 2002), 10pp.
Sheffield, J. (2002), Theoretical frameworks and the evaluation of GSS, Proceedings of the Group Decision and Negotiation International Conference, Perth August 23-26 (GDN 2002), 10pp.
Sheffield, J. (2002), From Project Management to Knowledge Management, Proceedings of Knowledge Management 2002, 14-15 October 2002, Auckland, pp. 61-79.
Sheffield, J. (2001), Knowledge Management in Collaborative Learning, Proceedings of the First SAP International Research and Applications Congress 17-19 February, San Diego USA, 10pp.
Sheffield, J. (2000), The Design of Strategic Evaluation Processes: Philosophical Assumptions, Proceedings of the Group Decision and Negotiation Annual International Conference Strathclyde, Scotland July 3-7 (GDN 2000), 10pp.
Sheffield, J. (1999), Design of Electronically Assisted Dialogues for Urban Planning, Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 10pp. IEEE Computer Society Press, 13pp. 1999.
Sheffield, J. (1999), Electronic Dialogues for Strategic Evaluation, Proceedings of the NZ Strategic Management Society (Educators) Conference, 4-5th February, Palmerston North, New Zealand. 10pp.
Sheffield, J. (1999), Philosophical Assumptions and Strategic Evaluation, Proceedings of the NZ Strategic Management Society (Educators) Conference, 4-5th February, Palmerston North, New Zealand. 10pp.
Sheffield, J. (1999), Upgrading NZ's Competitive Advantage: Electronic Dialogues from The Porter Project to Woodnz, Presented in the Plenary Session of the NZ Strategic Management Society (Educators) Conference, 4-5th February, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 10 pp.
Sheffield, J. (1998), Electronically Assisted Dialogues for Urban Planning, Proceedings of the NZSMS Strategic Management Educators Conference 12-13th February, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 36-56.
Parent, M., Sheffield, J., Gallupe, B. (1997), Behavioral Sampling as a Data-Gathering Method for GSS Research, Proceedings of the 1997 ACM SIGCPR Conference, San Francisco, California, USA.
Sheffield, J. (1997), Electronically Assisted Dialogues for Strategic Planning, Proceedings of the Regional Science Association International: Regional and Urban Development Conference. 8-12th December 1997, Wellington, New Zealand, 10pp.
Sheffield, J. (1996), Group Organising Processes and Electronic Meeting Systems, Presented at Groupware and Workflow Conference, 24-25 July, Auckland, New Zealand.
Sheffield, J. (1994), Using Electronic Meeting Technology to Support Economic Policy Development in New Zealand, Part II: Follow-up Results, The Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 10pp. IEEE Computer Society Press, Vol. IV, pp. 416-426.
Sheffield, J. (1993), Using Group Support Systems to Improve the New Zealand Economy, Part I: Short Term Results, Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 10pp. IEEE Computer Society Press, Vol. IV. pp. 469-476. Nominated for best paper.
Sheffield, J. (1992), 'Fixed-Pie and Elastic-Pie Biases in Negotiation, Proceedings of the ORSA/TIMS Fall International Conference, San Francisco, USA.
Sheffield, J. (1992), The Impact of Electronic Meeting Technology on Negotiation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics/Management and Information Technology 92 (CEMIT92/CECOIA3), Tokyo, Japan, pp. 407-410.
Sheffield, J. (1992), The Effect of Bargaining Orientation and Communication Medium on Negotiation, Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 10pp. IEEE Computer Society Press, Vol. IV, pp. 174-184.
Scholarly reviews and comments (published in journals of repute)
Sheffield, J. (2007). Introduction to the HICSS-40 mini-track Ethics and Philosophy in Knowledge Management, Proceedings of the Fortieth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE Computer Society Press. See here and there
Sheffield, J. (2006), Introduction to the HICSS-39 mini-track Philosophical Foundations of Knowledge Management Research, Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Computer Society Press, January 2006. Paper published at here
Sheffield, J. (2005), Discussion of A Taxonomy of Stakeholders: Human roles in system development by Ian F Alexander, International Journal of Human Technology Interaction, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 60-61.
Sheffield, J. (2005), Introduction to the HICSS-38 mini-track Foundations of Knowledge Management: Philosophy, Discovery, and Representation, Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN 0-7695-2056-1(?).
See here
Minor reports
Sheffield, J. (2004). Conformance to specification: Statistical analysis of product quality
Sheffield, J. (2004). Towards a Plant-wide Continuous Manufacturing System: Design of the work study
Summer Scholarship (2009). $7,000 (Project Management: Julien Lemetayer)
Summer Scholarship (2010). $7,000 (Project Management: Nic Keating)
Summer Scholarship (2010). $7,000 (Knowledge Management: Michael Haywood)