Polar experts to speak in Christchurch

Two Antarctic scientists from Victoria University of Wellington will visit Christchurch next month to give free talks as part of the University’s 2014 Public Lecture Series.

Arctic ice

Professor Lionel Carter, from Victoria’s Antarctic Research Centre, says Cantabrians are well aware of Antarctica’s influence via the bone-chilling, snow-dumping southerlies that sweep the region. In his talk, Professor Carter will examine how the great polar weather machine, and its surrounding Southern Ocean, affect New Zealand’s marine environment.

Professor Carter, whose research has contributed to several leading international projects, will focus on recent change which he says is not just a ‘doom and gloom’ story.

He will be joined by Dr Nancy Bertler, a New Zealand Rutherford Discovery Fellow jointly appointed by Victoria University and GNS Science. Dr Bertler will discuss results from current research projects that indicate a higher climate sensitivity of the Antarctic ice sheets than previously thought.

Rapid deglaciation of West Antarctica remains a primary uncertainty in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predictions for 21st Century sea level rise. In her talk, Dr Bertler will focus on recent events that suggest dynamic responses to warming play a more significant role than is currently understood.

The lectures will be presented at The George, 50 Park Terrace, Christchurch on Wednesday 10 September, at 5.30pm. To attend, email rsvp@vuw.ac.nz with ‘Christchurch lecture’ in the subject line or phone 04-463 5810 by Friday 5 September.

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